Tips For Building Your Best New Year’s Resolution

Tips For Building Your Best New Year’s Resolution

With the new year approaching, December is always a great time to reflect on your fitness, nutrition and weight loss progress and achievements throughout the year. This reflection is crucial in order to determine what is working for you and what is not in order to make 2022 your best year yet!

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How To Eat Healthier Over The Holiday Season

How To Eat Healthier Over The Holiday Season

It is officially the start of the holiday season! From Thanksgiving all the way until New Year’s Eve, there are tons and tons of temptations that could derail you from your weight loss goals! Here are some tips on how to eat healthier during this holiday season. Even just by implementing one or two tips, you will decrease the amount of calories you are eating over the holiday season and in turn stay on track towards your weight loss goals.

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How To Create An Effective Weight Loss Goal

How To Create An Effective Weight Loss Goal

Does this sound like you? You have set a goal for yourself to lose eight pounds, but after stepping on the scale you find out you have only lost six pounds even though you have been staying on track with your nutrition and exercise. Do you then go about your day feeling like you have failed your goal, even though you still achieved a six pound weight loss?

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How To Break A Weight Loss Plateau

How To Break A Weight Loss Plateau

Plateaus are defined as weight maintenance periods that last for one month or more and can significantly hinder your motivation to continue to eat in a calorie deficit and exercise. It is important to note that your weight loss will not be linear and will have periods where you gain weight or stay at the same weight. By understanding that your weight loss is not linear, you will be better able to continue with your weight loss journey when plateaus occur. Here are some suggestions to help you to break your weight loss plateau!

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How To Lose Weight While On Vacation

How To Lose Weight While On Vacation

I am absolutely excited to say that now that the pandemic is over, I am going on a family vacation to Universal Studios Orlando Resort! I’ve had a lot of questions on how to lose weight while being on vacation or at least how to keep the weight off. When going on vacation, you don’t have to put your weight loss goals on hold and can even continue to lose weight!

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Five Tips to Save Time Meal Prepping

Five Tips to Save Time Meal Prepping

Meal prepping is when you plan and prepare some of your meals and snacks ahead of time by either creating larger batches of food to make multiple, healthy meals or portioning out meals into calorie-controlled portions. Incorporating meal prepping into your weekly routine can allow you to incorporate healthy meals into your diet plan with less stress and energy.

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Getting Started with Food Journaling

Getting Started with Food Journaling

Four Tips To Build Habits June 2021By journaling all of your food and beverages that you have consumed daily, you will be able to see how many calories you have eaten that day as well as food groups that may be lacking in your diet. Journaling has consistently been...

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Healthy Snacking

Healthy Snacking

Healthy SnackingMay 2021From “That will ruin your appetite.” to “Snacking after 8:00PM is bad for you.”, snacking has gotten a reputation for causing weight gain. But does snacking actually cause weight gain? Current peer-reviewed studies are inconclusive on whether...

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How to Eat Healthy When Eating Out

How to Eat Healthy When Eating Out

How to Eat Healthy When Eating OutAPRIL 2021Doesn't it always seem like restaurants serve more delicious versions of meals that you can cook at home? This way of thinking is not all in your head. Restaurants tend to add large amounts of fat and sodium-rich ingredients...

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