How To Eat More Vegetables

If you are trying to lose weight, you need to incorporate as many vegetables as possible into your daily eating. Not only do vegetables provide various vitamins and minerals for your body, they also provide a low calorie way to activate the stretch receptors in your stomach, signaling to the brain that you are full. But let’s be honest, at the beginning, vegetables can seem pretty bland and may even be the least favorite part of your meal. Here are some tips to help you eat more vegetables throughout your day!

  1. Add a serving of vegetables to your smoothies. Adding leafy greens such as spinach or kale can help you add vegetables into your diet without noticing the flavor. According to MyPlate, one serving of leafy green vegetables is two cups.
  2. Snack on raw vegetables by dipping them in hummus or guacamole. You NEED to try it, it’s delicious and satiating.
  3. Incorporate a salad into your daily meal plan. By having a two cup leafy green salad, you will ensure that you already have one serving of vegetables in your day. Don’t forget to explore with different vegetable toppings!
  4. Have a meatless meal at least once a week. For some meal ideas, check out my YouTube channel here.
  5. Eat a variety of vegetables during the week. This allows you to consume different vitamins and minerals as well as prevents you from getting bored eating the same vegetables daily.
  6. Assign at least one serving of vegetables per meal. This will allow you to ensure that you are eating at least three servings daily.

Increasing vegetable consumption may seem daunting at first, but after a couple days of slowly incorporating these tips into your routine, I’m confident that you’ll love the way extra vegetables make you feel.

If you need help kick-starting your new routine, reach out to me at today to schedule your FREE no commitment consultation!

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Jes Smith-Heiner

Virtual Nutrition and Fitness Coach

My name is Jes and I am passionate about helping you on your weight loss journey. I have always valued the importance of nutrition and physical activity for weight loss which has led me to become a: NASM Certified Personal Trainer, NASM Certified Nutrition Coach, and a Physical Education Teacher. I have also obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Kinesiology and a Master's Degree in Exercise Science.


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