Tips For Building Your Best New Year’s Resolution

With the new year approaching, December is always a great time to reflect on your fitness, nutrition and weight loss progress and achievements throughout the year. This reflection is crucial in order to determine what is working for you and what is not in order to make 2022 your best year yet! Use these strategies below to help you create a weight loss resolution that actually works.

Identify Strategies That Worked For You

Did getting a gym membership help you to get your workouts in weekly? Did hanging a list of your weekly meals on the fridge help you to consistently eat healthier? Make sure to list all (and I mean ALL) of the strategies that you utilized this year in order to help you to move towards your weight loss goals. Don’t underestimate the power of even small strategies such as putting a water bottle in the fridge overnight so that you have crisp, cold water in the mornings to drink. Make sure to incorporate all of these strategies into your new year plan.

Determine Why Certain Strategies Did Not Work For You

Spend some time really reflecting on the root cause of why certain strategies did not help you move towards your weight loss goals. By understanding why these strategies did not work for your goals or lifestyle, you will be able to better determine if future strategies are worth pursuing.

Reflect On Your Goals

Were your goals specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-based? Were your goals performance and progress goals (check my blog on different types of goals here)? In order to set yourself up for the new year, create goals that are SMART and performance based.

Write a Letter To Yourself

Write a letter to yourself about all of the things that you accomplished in 2021. On days where I feel that my goals are out of reach, I read my letter to myself to remind myself of all of the things I have already accomplished in my life. This allows me to have my confidence back and my motivation to continue with my goals. Put your letter in an easy to access place (like your phone) so that it is always available when you need a confidence boost in 2022.


The year you FINALLY achieve your health and weight loss goals. If you feel you need external accountability (or just something different than everything you have already tried), please reach out to me! I can help you to make 2022 the year you dream of! I’m wishing you a happy holiday and a fantastic new year!

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Jes Smith-Heiner

Virtual Nutrition and Fitness Coach

My name is Jes and I am passionate about helping you on your weight loss journey. I have always valued the importance of nutrition and physical activity for weight loss which has led me to become a: NASM Certified Personal Trainer, NASM Certified Nutrition Coach, and a Physical Education Teacher. I have also obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Kinesiology and a Master's Degree in Exercise Science.


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